Friday, February 14, 2020

The 10 best places to see dolphins

New Zealand is a country surrounded by dolphins: tourists choose it only for the opportunity to swim with them! Here are the top ten places to see dolphins in New Zealand, starting from the top of the country and traveling down:

1) Bay of the island

You have many options when it comes to dolphin tour operators in New Zealand, and the Islands of Bay are no exception. You go out on a ferry, sail a bit until you find dolphins and expect them to be attracted to your bow. They are normal. Apparently it's a wonderful fun for them to swim. So if dolphins have no offspring, they must get in the water. Sometimes dolphins will approach you, sometimes not.

The Bay of Islands is a great place to swim with dolphins because the water is quite warm compared to the rest of the country and because there is a beautiful landscape around, instead of just the ocean, like the imaginary called Hole in the Rock.

The two species of dolphins that you are likely to find in the Bay of Islands are the common dolphin and the bottle dolphin. Noses are the stereotype of how everyone expects dolphins to look; Common dolphins have yellow spots on their sides. Both species can be really friendly to humans, but they can also get busy and frankly violent, so they should not come with them if they have calves to protect or appear to be in a slightly strange mood.

If you are very lucky, you may see some killer whale. (Don't swim with them).

2) Goat Island

Goat Island is a haven for those practicing snorkeling with its crystal clear waters and abundance of beautiful and colorful fish. You can also see bottlenose and common dolphins in Goat Island.

3) Auckland

You can catch a ferry that will take you to see Jetski Dolphin tour in the Bay of Hauraki directly from the center of Auckland. This is where I saw my first dolphins in New Zealand, where I saw my first dolphin that did not appear in a tank. And it was better to watch them jump and dive next to the boat than to watch them jump and dive through hangers. I saw them play between the two arches of the catamaran, turning around to surf their backs and even having sex. Gay sex, in it. Yes, I have witnessed gay sex with dolphins.

I don't think I went in the water that time, but I got as close as possible to the dolphins hanging my legs on the side of the arch. I was delighted when one of them touched my foot.

That day we saw ordinary dolphins and bottlenose dolphins, but unfortunately there are no killer whales. However, we did get a fantastic show of guns working with a pack of dolphins to hunt fish.

4) Tauranga

There are still several dolphin tour companies operating from Tauranga, which once again provide the opportunity to see ordinary dolphins and bottle whales along with killer whales, and occasionally even something as magnificent as a bearded whale. These trips take you beyond Mount Maunganui to the Bay of Plenty. I remember finding the landscape almost as interesting as dolphins. For example, just beyond the mountain, there is a huge rock formation in the form of a tiara emerging from the sea like Ursula at the end of the Little Mermaid. I really enjoyed browsing it.

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